V-tach™ Espresso
Charge the paddles with this Espresso!
We blend premium coffee beans from Brazil, Guatemala, and Kenya to make the absolute best coffee beans for espresso. V-tach™ is our gourmet Espresso that has a mellow taste, low acidity, and plenty of body.
Espresso can be brewed as a drip coffee or espresso forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through finely ground coffee to offer a rich flavor, lingering aroma, and caramel sweetness for a high quality espresso coffee.
Medical description:
Charge the paddles to 360j! The Purkinje fibers are going to get a workout. The sustained flavor of this full bodied gourmet espresso will keep your cardiac cells depolarizing.
The best EMS description for this Espresso: "It's the Big One!"